Claim Search For Medical Proffessionals
The section was created toinform medical providers of the status of claims repriced by AHA. Due to regulations and issues of privacy (including HIPAA), there is a limit to the information that is available over the web. AHA is not a claims payer. If you need payment information regarding a claim repriced by AHA , please contact the payer shown in the search results. For additional information regarding the repricing of a claim, contact AHA at 800-870-6252

Instructions - Provider Claim Search

  1. Enter the billing provider Tax-ID
  2. Enter the Patient SSN or Policy Number
  3. Enter the Date of Service Start
    • Acceptable Formats: MM/DD/YYYY, MM/DD/YY, M/D/YYYY, M/D/YY
    Enter the Date of Service End
    If you enter a Date of Service End, the search engine will return all claims for the patient with dates of service falling in between the Date of Service Start and the Date of Service End. If left blank, the search engine will return only those claims with the Beginning Date of Service you entered.

  5. Click Submit

  6. From the results grid, you can sort any column by clicking on the column name.